Consultancy Services

Connecting you with the right people in the right locations.

Our consultancy services are people-focused. We use the relationships we’ve developed over more than four decades in the logistics sector to bring the right people together and create value for all parties. We’re selective about our work, focusing on projects and clients where we’re confident we can add significant value.

Consultancy Service Details

Agent Network Development

We leverage our extensive network of relationships with freight forwarders, consolidators and logistics providers around the world to help clients find and establish partnerships with the right agents in their target markets — drawing on our unique access to high-level decision-makers in logistics businesses worldwide.

Market Entry Consulting

Entering a new overseas market can be complex and challenging. We provide expert advice and support to help clients establish a presence in a new country or region. From identifying potential partners to understanding local business practices and regulations, we can guide you through every step of the market entry process.

Building Reciprocal Business

We specialise in helping clients establish mutually beneficial reciprocal business relationships with overseas agents and partners. By leveraging our relationships and market knowledge, we can help you find opportunities to exchange business with other freight forwarders and consolidators, grow volume, and build strong, long-term partnerships.

Consolidator Networking

For clients in the consolidation business, we provide specialised services to help you connect with other major consolidators around the world. Our deep expertise and extensive relationships in the sector enable us to facilitate partnerships and business opportunities that might otherwise be difficult to access.

Conferences and Events

Andrew can represent your company at major industry conferences and events, promoting your business to potential partners and customers. With a strong presence and reputation in the industry, he can leverage his existing relationships to help raise your profile and generate new business opportunities.

Work with Smithurst Solutions

If you're looking to take your logistics business to the next level, Andrew and the team at Smithurst Solutions are here to help. Get in touch to discuss how we can support your international growth and success.